statement of faith
we believe
The sole basis of our beliefs is the Bible, the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments. It was uniquely, verbally, and fully inspired by the Holy Spirit and was written without error in the original manuscripts. It is the supreme and final authority in faith and life in every age.
one God
There is but one God, infinite in power, wisdom, justice, goodness and love, the Creator of the universe, eternally existing in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—each of whom possesses all the attributes of Deity and the characteristics of personality.
our Lord Jesus Christ
God the Father, by His own choice and out of love for sinful men and women, sent Jesus Christ into the world to reconcile sinners to Himself. Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin. He was God in the flesh, both true God and true man.
Jesus Christ lived a sinless life and voluntarily suffered and died as our substitute to pay the penalty for our sins, thus satisfying God’s justice and accomplishing salvation for all who trust in Him alone. He rose from the dead in the same body, though glorified, in which He lived and died. He bodily ascended into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God the Father, where He, the only mediator between God and man, makes intercession for His own. He will return to earth personally, visibly and bodily to judge all men and establish His kingdom.
Jesus Christ lived a sinless life and voluntarily suffered and died as our substitute to pay the penalty for our sins, thus satisfying God’s justice and accomplishing salvation for all who trust in Him alone. He rose from the dead in the same body, though glorified, in which He lived and died. He bodily ascended into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God the Father, where He, the only mediator between God and man, makes intercession for His own. He will return to earth personally, visibly and bodily to judge all men and establish His kingdom.
Men and women are freed from the penalty for their sins not as a result, in whole or in part of their own works, goodness or religious ceremony, but by the undeserved favor of God alone. God declares righteous all who put their faith in Christ alone for their salvation.
the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit has come into the world to reveal and glorify Christ, to convict men and women of their sins, and to impart new life to all who place their faith in Christ. He indwells believers from the moment of spiritual birth, seals them until the day of redemption, allots spiritual gifts to them for ministry, and empowers them to live a life pleasing to God.
the Church
All true believers make up the church worldwide and should assemble together in local churches for worship, prayer, fellowship and teaching to become conformed to the image of Christ and to become equipped to carry out the “Great Commission” that Christ gave His followers in Matthew 28:19-20.
the Resurrection
At physical death, the believer enters immediately into eternal, conscious fellowship with the Lord and awaits the resurrection of his or her body to everlasting glory and blessing. At physical death, the unbeliever enters immediately into eternal, conscious separation from the Lord and awaits the resurrection of his or her body to everlasting suffering, judgment and condemnation.
God created man in His own image, and man, as he was originally created, was innocent before God. But man chose to sin by disobeying God, and therefore was alienated from his Creator and came under divine condemnation. Thus all human beings are born with a corrupted nature and without spiritual life, and are totally incapable of pleasing God in and of themselves.
Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
Jesus Christ has instructed those who believe in Him to be baptized in water as a symbol of their new birth in Christ. Baptism is only for those who have personally believed in Christ. Our practice is to baptize by immersion. The Lord also instituted the Lord’s Supper as a remembrance of His suffering, death and resurrection. Neither baptism nor the Lord’s Supper have any merit in helping a person obtain eternal life.
All who are born again of the Spirit can, through the sure promises of God, be fully assured of eternal life from the very moment they put their faith in Christ. This assurance is not based upon any kind of human merit, but upon the finished work of Christ, who completely paid for their sins and upon the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, who is the deposit guaranteeing their inheritance.
what to expect
Sunday morning worship typically lasts for 90 minutes. During this time you are welcome to check your children 6th grade and younger into Sonshine Kids. In the sanctuary we will use this time to sing songs of worship and praise. We enjoy spending time fellowshipping with one another and looking forward to upcoming events. We also desire to spend time in prayer with each other and for each other. To conclude our service each week we receive a message from God’s word with the hope that all who hear would call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. Typically, we preach through whole books of the Bible. There are many forms of acceptable preaching but this is the one that we most often engage in. What that means is wherever we finish one week is where we start the next week. Currently we are studying through the “Gospel 0f Matthew”.
You are welcome to visit any time. If you decide to visit we want you to dress comfortably and please do not feel obligated to participate in the giving of tithes and offerings. It is our hope that we can bless you in some way while you are here!
meet the staff

Kevin has spent his life as a member of CCC and has recently returned after living in Virginia Beach with his wife Rachel the past seven years. Kevin, Rachel and their children (Kameron – 13 and Hallie – 10) are excited to join the ministry at CCC and look forward to all that God has for them.

Carrie has spent her life as a member of CCC and has been our Director of Worship many times, over the years, however, most recently since 2013. Carrie, her husband Scott, and their children (Mackenzie, Will, Bryan and Luke) live in Alexandria and love the opportunity to join the rest of the family in ministry. Carrie has a passion for leading the congregation, in praise and worship, in order to lift up the name of Jesus Christ!